Why Businesses Still Give Away Matchbooks

Why Businesses Still Give Away Matchbooks

Perhaps your parents kept a bowlful of matchbooks printed with the names of their favorite restaurants as mementos from special occasions or souvenirs from their favorite vacation destinations. They probably quit smoking ages ago, but they kept those matchbooks! There are many reasons restaurants, bars, hotels, and other businesses that thrive on live, personal contact with patrons use promotional matchbooks as giveaways.

Not just for smokers

Matches have multiple uses, from lighting candles to kindling a cozy fire to starting the charcoal grill. The association with smoking has faded as smoking declines, but consumers still recognize matches’ versatility.


Customers can carry promotional matchbooks with them in a pocket or a purse much more easily than a hat, T-shirt, or mug. That portability is priceless when it comes to fostering brand loyalty.

Easy to pass on

People who pick up promotional items are very likely to pass them on, and custom book matches are among the easiest to share. Each time a matchbook is spread around, your business’s reach grows.


A matchbook’s usefulness makes it more memorable than a static business card. It’s an object with various uses, which makes it something that sticks in your customers’ minds.


Although there are few vintage matchbooks rare enough to be highly valuable, collectors love them for their cool, retro designs. Luckily, new, custom-branded matchbooks can have similar visual impact. They also provide more space for logos than pens, while maintaining portability to other consumers.

Inexpensive, but classy

Custom matchbooks are economical to produce in volume compared to other promotional products; well-designed and carefully produced, they carry the panache of a business’ brand with them wherever they go.

People like what others like

Trends catch on because people notice that someone has something they like, and it makes them want that thing too. Every customer who walks out of a business with a promotional matchbook is a potential trendsetter.

Everyone loves a freebie

People will latch onto anything that’s free, and promotional matchbooks are easy to grab at a host station, coat check counter, or reception desk; customers who carry them out the door automatically expand brand impressions for the business.

All these benefits of custom promotional matchbooks hinge on great design. Businesses who want to capitalize on this promotional opportunity should be especially attentive to artwork requirements. Here at Maryland Match, we have carefully defined specifications for artwork that will result in a beautiful, memorable, and portable promotion for your business. We’re here to answer any questions and to help you select the best option for your needs. Contact us today to discuss how we can get your brand into the hands of more potential patrons.