Marketing is an essential part of every business—it’s how new customers find your business and old ones stay connected with it. Marketing has many branches and methods and can be very successful at increasing revenue if executed correctly for a specific business. Many companies elect to develop a marketing plan specific to their business so as to accurately target the customers that they need. Many companies find that a great side of marketing is promotional products and handing their customers physical items they can and will use in their day-to-day lives. Promotional products are beneficial in that they give the consumer a feeling of receiving a gift. The natural response of people when they receive a gift is to return the favor, and in this case, they would return the favor by providing their loyalty and business. Many promotional items can appeal to different demographics of the consumer market. One of the most advantageous items to use in a company marketing plan is matchboxes. Matchboxes are versatile and usable by nearly every type of consumer there is. Check out this guide on why custom matchboxes are perfect for marketing.
They are inexpensive
Matchboxes are relatively inexpensive for businesses to purchase, especially if the business decides to buy in bulk, which is advisable when using them as a marketing tool. Many businesses decide to buy wholesale matches to save money on their custom matchbox designs. When a business decides to use promotional items as a marketing tool, it will quickly find that just about every product conceivable can be custom-designed to fit their marketing plan. Many of these products are expensive to customize and only available in extremely large quantities, which is not an ideal situation for small businesses due to limited budgets and smaller customer bases.
Matchboxes are one of the most cost-effective options for businesses to use because they are low-cost to manufacture and easy to purchase in bulk for customers and consumers.
They are useful to consumers
Matches are multifunctional and can serve a purpose to just about anyone. Matches can be useful in the household to do many things, such as lighting candles, gas stoves, and even birthday candles on a cake. They’re a part of the intimate events in people’s lives without most people even realizing it. Matches are one of the most useful items in a household. They come in handy in power outages, camping trips, and daily life—and they’re so simple. While, at first, people may not think they will use the matches handed to them by one of their favorite businesses, most find them to be surprisingly useful over time.
Matches are the ideal choice for lighting jar candles since they are easy to maneuver into the candleholder without getting burnt when the wick gets low. They are also a great option for lighting a charcoal grill or a gas grill without a starter. Matches have endless uses. Every time a consumer uses a match from your business’s custom matchbox, they will think about your business and how useful the gift is. This creates a sense of usefulness by association, causing the consumer to consider the company more useful than they previously may have thought.
They stand out
A matchbox is a promotional item that stands out. Most companies give away their business cards, which are a small item that people typically carry around for a few days and then discard without a second thought. Other businesses give out t-shirts and hats. These items are useful in that people need shirts and wear hats often, but they lack the genuine usefulness that matches hold. While people may wear hats, they may not want to feel like a walking advertisement for a brand. This can often lead to these types of wearable promotional items sitting unused and unthought-about in the back of closets or even in the trash.
With matches, the logo and business will be very present on the box, yet non-intrusive in the home.
Business cards are easy to ignore, but a business that hands out something as unique and unexpected as matches makes a lasting impression. Customers will notice the item you hand them instead of passively taking it and tuning out the noise of the marketing plan. Matchboxes help to break through that noise and get the consumers to pay attention.
They will live in the consumers’ homes
When you give a customer a matchbox, they are likely to take it home and stick it in a drawer somewhere in the kitchen. The matches will stay there, wrapped in your company’s logo. The logo will be a subtle reminder without intruding on their daily lives or routines. Every time the household’s residents need a match, they will find a helping hand in your business.
While matches are extremely useful, matchboxes can last a long time in a home. This can lead to your custom matchbox living months or even years in a home, always there for your customers when they need a match. This long-term association with your business will do wonders for your customer loyalty and help to show how much your company appreciates its customers.
Matches make their way into a customer’s home, something most businesses aim to achieve. Customers bringing your company logo into their homes is a form of inviting the idea of your company in. Once your company is in their homes, it becomes a small part of their lives. Every time they need a match, your company will be there.
There are so many reasons why custom matchboxes are perfect for marketing. Providing your customers and potential customers with custom matches will stand out to them. When your business stands out, it becomes memorable, and being memorable is one of the biggest feats in marketing for companies, especially small businesses. If customers remember you, they will be more inclined to seek out your products or services when they need them instead of giving their business to a competitor. You can get custom matches made with Maryland Match. Check out our comprehensive line of matchbox products that are fully customizable for your business.