How Marketing Evolved Over Time

How Marketing Evolved Over Time

Every business leader knows how important it is to have a solid marketing strategy in place. However, this wasn’t always the case. In fact, marketing is a relatively new concept in the business world. Those interested in how marketing evolved over time should read more below.

The Industrial Revolution

Companies began to invest in marketing during The Industrial Revolution. During this time, infrastructure and railroads were built at a rapid pace. As a result, people were able to travel to new places they’d never seen before. Business leaders capitalized on this expansion of travel by posting signs and billboards in cities across the country. The Industrial Revolution presented supervisors with a unique opportunity that many still utilize today.

The Groovy 1960s

Marketing strategies began to change during the 1960s when people began buying television sets. To modern citizens, TV is a part of everyday life. Yet, when the machines first hit the markets, consumers went crazy. People had never seen anything like it, so they watched whatever program was playing at the time. Company leaders noticed television’s popularity and began to put out commercials in between programs. Business experts also placed advertisements on the radio.

Throw It Back to the 1980s

Toward the end of the 1980s, business experts began to see the value of advertising on a computer. So, throughout this period and the 1990s, companies began to focus their marketing efforts on the internet. One of the biggest advantages of computerized marketing is that it reaches a global audience. So, the potential buyer market is unfathomably large.

Modern Day Digital Age

The trends that started in the 1980s exploded into something no one could’ve ever imagined. Now, people are addicted to their smartphones. Adults and teens are constantly checking their social media accounts, and companies have taken notice. Businesses around the world invest in digital marketing campaigns every day, so they can increase their rankings on search engines. Technology isn’t going anywhere. So, corporations must get used to digital market strategies.

Those interested in how marketing evolved over time should know that companies used branded matchboxes throughout every stage of history. Although they don’t fall into the digital trend, these items are incredibly practical. People use them every day to light candles or grills. For these reasons, more companies should consider including customized matchboxes into their yearly budgets. These artifacts will help build brand recognition every time someone pulls one from their pocket.