Reasons Why Matchbooks Are Better Than Lighters

Reasons Why Matchbooks Are Better Than Lighters

Many people mistakenly believe that technology makes everything better. When it comes to something as basic as lighting a fire, sometimes it’s best to use a tool that people have relied on for a long time. Discover why matchbooks are better than lighters for all your lighting needs.

Lighters Are Hard To Use

If you’ve ever tried to use a gas lighter, you know how frustrating it can be to stand there and flick the small wheel over and over, waiting for a spark. Likewise, it can be difficult to hold both the lock and the trigger on a utility lighter. Matches are far less fussy.

Matches Are Free

Thanks to branded matchbooks, there’s really no need to buy matches to use in your home or office. Just look for a bowl of matches at the next bar, restaurant, or hotel that you visit. Plus, you’ll always remember where you visited so you can go back there again.

Matches Are Biodegradable

Unlike the plastic and metal pieces used to make most lighters, matches are completely biodegradable. According to some experts, gas lighters might be unable to completely decompose, making them a terrible choice for the environment.

Never Out of Fuel

Another reason why matchbooks are better than lighters is that you never run out of fuel with a matchstick. With lighters, you may go to light a candle only to find that you’re out of gas, and it’s too late to head to the store for a replacement. With matches, you never have to worry about this problem.

Easier for Lighting Candles

Matchbooks make way more sense for lighting candles than lighters do. Instead of having to tilt the candle around to find the best way to light it, you can simply use a long match to reach down inside safely. No more sparks or soot on your hands!

Choosing Branded Matches

Because of their immense utility, matches make a great way to advertise your business to customers. If you’re looking for custom matches or other promotional goods, check out MDM Branding’s wide selection on our website, or give us a call. We’d love to help you find the right products for promoting your business.