Top 5 Reasons Cocktail Napkins Are Great for an Event

Top 5 Reasons Cocktail Napkins Are Great for an Event

When planning a fantastic event, it’s easy to forget some of the smaller details. Cocktail napkins are one of the things you’ll miss the most if you forget to order them ahead of time. Check out these top five reasons cocktail napkins are great for an event.

Protect Tables and Surfaces

The most important reason to have cocktail napkins at your event is to protect tables and other surfaces from condensation. When cold drinks come into contact with room-temperature air, condensation forms on the side of the glass. If someone leaves their glass on a table for too long, rings will form that might be difficult to remove.

Covering Drinks

A sad fact of our modern age is that people sometimes use fun events to try and take advantage of other people. Covering your drink with a cocktail napkin is one way to prevent anyone from putting something in your drink that you don’t know about. Having cocktail napkins at your event is extremely helpful for people who wish to take this precaution.

Jot Down Notes

When you’re meeting new people at an event, sometimes you learn information that you know you’ll want to remember later. Grabbing a cocktail napkin and making a quick note is the perfect way to ensure you’ll have the information when you want it later.

Not Just for Drinks

Cocktail napkins aren’t just useful for drinks—they’re also super helpful when you need to get rid of trash discretely or clean up a spill. Spills happen at events with lots of people, and having a napkin handy can help keep a spill from becoming a stain.

Bonus Advertising

A very important reason cocktail napkins are great for events is that they provide a way for you to advertise to your guests without it being obvious. Every branded beverage napkin is an opportunity to get your brand in front of people in a way that won’t raise their advertising defenses.

If you’d like to order branded cocktail napkins for your next event, check out our options at MDM Branding. We specialize in trendy marketing products that help promote your business.