Why Matches Are Better for the Environment Than Lighters

Why Matches Are Better for the Environment Than Lighters

While picking up a pack of matches for your lighting needs might seem like the obvious thing to do, you might go for the lighter more often. They are reliable, can last a while, and you never have to worry about them not working unless it’s a bad product.

Matches provide the same level of satisfaction, only with less power than a lighter. Here is a list of reasons why matches are better for the environment than lighters.

They Are Completely Sustainable

Current tree farming efforts make it a great time to use wooden products. Many people don’t realize that deforestation has slowed down significantly since this practice has become more active for making wooden products such as matches and pencils. Not only that, but one mature pine tree can produce as many as 100,000 matches!

Produced Exclusively in the USA

There isn’t as much traffic manufacturing with wholesale custom matches because they are mainly sourced through the United States, resulting in less greenhouse gases. This contributes to the overall climate and conditions that are being monitored due to climate change over the years. With only one sole contributor to the global production of this product, that makes for a cleaner, hopeful future.

They Require Considerably Less Fuel

Lighters might be convenient, but they are wasteful. If you think about it, all it takes to start a fire is a spark. You can have an open flame with a match and hold it for almost a whole minute. A lighter has no cutoff except running out of fuel, so you have to check its fuel level constantly. Acquiring all that fluid through manufacturing puts a lot of stress on the environment and worsens the condition of the ozone layer.

Now you know why matches are better for the environment than lighters and which to invest in. There is no excuse for being wasteful or supporting a trend that is harmful to the environment.